School Day:
7:50 AM-3:15 PM
No Student Check- Outs After 2:30 PM
Caddo Virtual Job Fair for Target Schools! Please click the links below if you are ready to join a Winning Team at Caddo Heights! We currently have two Kindergarten and one 4th Grade Position Available.
The virtual job fair for Target Schools is scheduled for April 27, 2020 - July 31, 2020!
Hello Parents, Students and Guardians,
Thank you for your support and patience during this challenging time. I hope that your child was able to participate in the virtual learning via the Google Classroom.
Please note that the digital lessons will end on Friday, May 8, 2020. All iPads must be returned according to the schedule below. Students will also be allowed to pick up their personal belongings on their designated day.
Device Return Schedule
Pre K & Kindergarten May 11, 2020 Monday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
1st & 2nd Grades May 12, 2020 Tuesday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
3rd & 4th Grades May 13, 2020 Wednesday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
5th & Special Education May 14, 2020 Thursday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Make Up Days May 15, 2020 Friday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Eric Hill

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.
Supply Lists
Pre K
4 glue sticks
1 Clorox wipes
1 pack assorted color construction paper
1 pack of Dry Ease Markers
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 pack of safety pins
Girls - 1 box of Quartz size Ziploc
Boys – 1 box Gallon size Ziploc
1 backpack (big enough to fit their folder)
1 red and blue sleeping mat
1 beach towel
1 complete change of uniform clothes in a Ziploc bag with name
$20 Class fee
red shirts (only)
blue pants, shorts, skort, dress
$10.00 school fee
4 boxes of Crayola 24 pack Crayons
1 pack of 8 count markers
4 jumbo glue sticks
12 pencils
2 pink erasers
4 plastic pocket folders
1 One inch binder
1 primary journal (drawing space & kindergarten writing lines)
8 EXPO dry erase markers
1 box of Ziploc bags
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 package of large safety pins
1 container of Clorox wipes
2 tubes of Play-Doh
1 school-sized backpack
1 change of clothes
1 red and blue rest mat
1 towel
1st Grade
$7.00 class fee
4 boxes crayons (24 count)
8 Pkgs. #2 Pencils (24-36 count)
6 large pink erasers
6 Glue sticks – 2 large, 4 small
Scissors (blunt)
2 composition Journals
2 Pkg. loose -leaf notebook paper
1 pack of sheet protectors
4 Large boxes Kleenex tissues
1 package of construction paper
1- 1in 3-ring binder
Girls--gallon Ziploc bags
Boys--quart Ziploc bags
1 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
4 Packs of copy paper
1 liquid hand soap
2nd Grade
$7.00 class fee
Backpack/book bag (follow district guidelines)
4 boxes crayons (24 count)
60 #2 pencils
3-4 Erasers
1 box pencil-topper erasers
5-10 Glue sticks
2 composition notebooks
1 One-inch Binder
4 packs of Loose- leaf notebook paper
2 spiral notebooks (1 subject) plastic pockets folders w/brads
2 Packages of Clorox, Lysol, and/or baby wipes
4 large boxes of tissues
2 bottles hand sanitizer
1 box gallon size zip lock bags
1 pkg. construction paper
1-pair of scissors
1 package of dry erase markers
1 ream of copy paper
3rd Grade
$7.oo class fee 1 package of sheet protectors
2 glue sticks 6 pink erasers
72 pencils 2 package of pencil top erasers
1 pencil bag (no boxes) 4 black fine tip dry erase markers
2 box crayons 1 package of lined index cards
2 roll paper towels 3 pkgs. wide ruled loose leaf paper 4 boxes Kleenex
1 box Clorox wipe
1 soft backpack
4 Black & White composition books 2 pair of scissors (blunt)
2 Pocket folders w/brads
2 One-inch binders
1 box of quart size zip lock bags
4th Grade
$7.00 class fee
1 Backpack
2 binders (1 1/2” – 2”)
2 Composition Notebooks
1 Pkg. Erasers
500 sheets of notebook paper
1 pencil bag (no boxes)
2 pkg. #2 pencils
2 red ink pens
1 box of color pencils (12-24 ct.) no crayons
2 packs of dividers for binder
7 Plastic Folders with brads and pockets
(yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, red, black)
2 Boxes of Kleenex
5th Grade
$7.oo class fee
3 Glue Sticks
6 Pkgs. #2 pencils 6 Folders w/brads (plastic)
(red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and purple)
5 Pkgs. wide ruled loose leaf paper
12pk- Colored pencils
4 Large boxes Kleenex
6 1 subject wide-ruled notebooks
Daily Journal
2 Binders with two sets of dividers and pockets
6 composition books
1 Backpack
** All students are required to pay class fee for the purchase of ordering classroom magazines and to purchase other incentives for students.